Emergency Dental Care
Peace of mind all the time.
At The Vernon Dental Practice we take great pride in caring for you and your dental needs. Should you have a dental emergency we will endeavour to see you the same day. We feel it is important you have the confidence, that should you develop a problem we shall see you as soon as possible. We are open most Saturday mornings from 9am untill 1pm. Some Saturdays we are closed. Dental emergencies include swelling, significant pain and dental trauma. If you have a dental emergency out of hours then please ring NHS 111.
For dental trauma you could also contact the east of England trauma Network for advice. 0333 2401311.

There are some dental emergencies which you may be able to help with the following advice:
- In the event of a trauma leading to a tooth coming out, handle the tooth by the crown and not the root, keeping it in either saline or milk and attending as soon as possible.
- If you have a large facial swelling, and are starting to find it is restricting your breathing then you need to attend A&E.
- If you have had a tooth removed and you find the socket is bleeding, bite down on a gauze pack placed over the socket, without moving it for 20 minutes.
For details of this on call service please contact the surgery at the weekend on 01462 434512 and follow the instructions on the answer phone.